
Your sales team can only achieve their potential with good quality data. From sales targets to customer insights, using data well is one of the most important things your sales team can do - other than make sales of course.

Sales teams are often swimming in data, but we find that it is often not stored in a way that is easy to use and easy to maintain. The result is that valuable data ends up being lost on personal desktops,  or discarded in the notes app, when it could be the nugget that makes the next sale.

miPerform is designed to help. Our software can join up all your sources of data, giving your sales team one clear view. Teams that use miPerform can improve their sales outcome by up to 20% through engagement, healthy competition, visibility and support.

Three ways miPerform supports sales teams

Performance dashboards
Does your team know whether they are delivering against all of the metrics that matter to your operation? Their personal sales target might be a KPI but understanding the many factors that make them up, such as customer satisfaction, pipeline value and timeliness of response can really drive performance.

miPerform’s Performance Dashboards give your team members a personalised view of how they are performing against all the metrics that matter and shows how they compare to the rest of the team, inspiring healthy competition.
Sales training
Even the best accounts executive has an off day, but how quickly are you able to identify that and give them the necessary training or inspiration to help them pick back up? With miPerform, individual dips in performance can be picked up faster, meaning managers can arrange for the necessary safeguards to kick in before it’s too late. You can also measure the effectiveness on training on performance, meaning managers can see their impact in real-time too.
Missed actions can be the slow death of an otherwise high-performing sales team. Whether it’s a forgotten call back, unsent email or pitch response that remains saved on the desktop, ensuring that agreed actions are carried out is sales performance 101. miPerform helps you arrange actions and send them onto other teams, maintaining efficient workflows and helping to deliver for new and existing customers.

Schedule a demo with our expert team today

Get in touch to organise an online demo of miPerform, or sign up to trial our solutions for free.