miQuality delivers regulatory standard consistency levels

miPerform’s Quality Assurance tool enables service teams to deliver consistency with every customer contact. By integrating quality feedback with coaching, every staff member has the right toolset to ensure high quality and high standards of output. In a regulatory or compliance environment, managers can use miQuality to minimise regulatory and compliance risk.

Innovative Solutions with miPerform

In highly regulated industries, such as utilities, financial, and legal services, you need to be sure that your customer service teams are sharing key information with consumers, so they are fully informed about their agreements. You also need an audit trail to demonstrate to regulators that this is taking place. miQuality minimises the headache with a Quality Assurance tool that gives managers a view of how each staff member is adhering to best practices.
Focus on The Must Haves
miQuality enables managers to set out quality markers that indicate consistent and high-quality customer journeys. Once in place, this can provide actionable, auditable quality insights across the entire interaction. Managers will also see a breakdown by team member, showing who consistently follows process and who may need a refresher.
Personal Insights
In one simple view, individual team members can see whether they are consistently delivering the specific details customers need—or identify which parts they are missing. No more waiting for the quarterly performance review, miQuality provides this feedback every day.
Detailed Leaderboards
Who in your team is providing the most thorough service and who needs a little more support? miQuality’s leaderboards enable team leaders to facilitate healthy competition between frontline staff and reward high performers accordingly.
Training Monitoring
Find out when training is needed to support your staff by observing trends in performance. With miQuality, you can see when standards are slipping and call on coaching sessions to tackle the issues as they happen—not when the complaints start rolling in.

You have questions
we have answers

Find questions and answers related to the purchase, updates, and support.
How do I get started?

Configuring miPerform is incredibly simple – you can be up and running within a day. We
recognise that every customer is different and miPerform will support you in the ideal
configuration of the platform to support your unique situation. After an initial consultation to
find out what your current challenges are, what services you currently use for storing data
and how different teams currently communicate with each other, we will then support you to
configure the platform to meet your needs. 

miPerform is an ongoing service, so we will arrange regular reviews to make sure our
solution is working for you. Our support teams are always on hand for any pressing inquiries.

What does miPerform do?

miPerform is a tool that combines different data sources across your company and breaks
them down in a way that is relevant to individual team members. This helps empower every
staff member with the knowledge they need to play their part in driving wider business

It also gamifies the work experience and encourages friendly competition and continuous

Managers can identify high performers, and easily see where different team members are
struggling, helping them arrange coaching and training to help them improve. 
It offers performance dashboards that provide a clear view of what team members are doing
well, as well as a platform for arranging different actions, events and coaching. Head to our
features pages to find out more.

Who is miPerform for?

miPerform is for any team that has clear, measurable goals, a need for tight processes, and
communicates with a high number of external and internal stakeholders. 

We excel best in back office teams, call centre operations and service visits and we work
best when we can operate across a company to join different teams up. 

We specialise in encouraging entire businesses to focus on doing their part to achieve
company-wide goals and we want to work with ambitious, high-performing managers who
come to work to make everything they do slightly better every day. 

We have customers in sectors such as Telco, Insurance, Legal and Energy but we see the
common challenge we solve – joining up teams and complex data flows – as relevant for any

How much does miPerform cost?

miPerform has solutions for every sized team and can be scaled up or down depending on
how much data must be shared and how many teams and users need access to it.

Our pricing model is a per-user license model, with options depending on which miPerform modules you would like to use. Our clients typically deliver a Return on Investment of more
than 10 to 1.

How long does it take to get started with miPerform?

Again, this depends on how many data sources miPerform can tap into and tie together, with
the right people together we can be up and running within a day. We’d typically expect most
clients to be set up and ready to go within a month, but for bigger operations it may take
slightly longer.

What’s the maximum number of users that can join miPerform?

There’s no limit to the number of team members that can start their journey of continuous
improvement with miPerform. In fact, we believe the bigger the team the better as miPerform data gets richer from the more users it has and provides even better insights.

Can’t find what you're looking for? Get in touch with the miPerform team at hello@miperform.com to find out more

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Get in touch to organise an online demo of miPerform, or sign up to trial our solutions for free.